Kubernetes Gateway API Compatibility

Kubernetes Gateway API implementation in FSM

Kubernetes Gateway API Compatibility

This document describes which Gateway API resources FSM supports and the extent of that support.


ResourceSupport Status
GatewayClassPartially supported
GatewayPartially supported
HTTPRoutePartially supported
TLSRoutePartially supported
GRPCRoutePartially supported
TCPRoutePartially supported
UDPRoutePartially supported
ReferenceGrantNot supported
Custom policiesPartially supported


We use the following words to describe support status:

  • Supported. The resource or field is fully supported and conformant to the Gateway API specification.
  • Partially supported. The resource or field is supported partially or with limitations. It will become fully supported in future releases.
  • Not supported. The resource or field is not yet supported. It will become partially or fully supported in future releases.


Below we list the resources and the support status of their corresponding fields.

For a description of each field, visit the Gateway API documentation.


Status: Partially supported.

FSM supports only GatewayClass resource whose ControllerName is flomesh.io/gateway-controller. If multiple valid GatewayClasses are created, the oldest is active and take effect.


  • spec
    • controllerName - supported.
    • parametersRef - not supported.
    • description - supported.
  • status
    • conditions - partially supported. Support Accepted type and added ConditionType Active.


Status: Partially supported.

FSM supports only a single Gateway resource per namespace. The Gateway resource must reference FSM’s corresponding effective GatewayClass, whose controller name is flomesh.io/gateway-controller. In case of multiple Gateway resources created in the same namespace, FSM will choose the oldest ONE by creation timestamp. If the timestamps are equal, FSM will choose the resource that appears first in alphabetical order by “{name}”. We might support multiple Gateway resources. Due to the limitation of Kubernetes Service of type LoadBalancer, the UDP gateway cannot coexist with gateways of other protocols. If you want to use UDP gateway, you need to create a new one.


  • spec
    • gatewayClassName - supported.
    • listeners
      • name - supported.
      • hostname - supported.
      • port - supported, must be LTE 60000, all priviliged ports will be mapped to 60000 + port.
      • protocol - supported. Allowed values: HTTP, HTTPS, TLS, TCP, UDP.
      • tls
        • mode - supported. Allowed value: Terminate, Passthrough.
        • certificateRefs - partially supported. The TLS certificate and key must be stored in a Secret. Multiple references are supported. You must deploy the Secrets before the Gateway resource. Secret rotation (watching for updates) is supported.
        • options - not supported.
      • allowedRoutes - not supported.
    • addresses - not supported.
  • status
    • addresses - supported.
    • conditions - supported, Accepted type for active Gateway.
    • listeners
      • name - supported.
      • supportedKinds - supported.
        • attachedRoutes - not supported.
        • conditions - partially supported.


Status: Partially supported.


  • spec
    • parentRefs - partially supported. port must always be set.
    • hostnames - supported.
      • matches
        • path - supported, Prefix, Exact and Regex.
        • headers - supported, Exact and Regex.
        • queryParams - supported, Exact and Regex.
        • method - supported.
      • filters
        • type - supported.
        • requestRedirect, requestHeaderModifier, responseHeaderModifier, requestMirror, urlRewrite supported
      • extensionRef - not supported.
      • backendRefs - supported.
  • status
    • parents
      • parentRef - supported.
      • controllerName - supported.
      • conditions - partially supported. Supported (Condition/Status/Reason):
        • Accepted/True/Accepted
        • Accepted/False/NoMatchingListenerHostname
        • ResolvedRefs/True/ResolvedRefs


Status: Partially supported.


  • spec
    • parentRefs - partially supported. port must always be set.
    • hostnames - supported.
    • backendRefs - supported.
  • status
    • parents
      • parentRef - supported.
      • controllerName - supported.
      • conditions - partially supported. Supported (Condition/Status/Reason):
        • Accepted/True/Accepted
        • Accepted/False/NoMatchingListenerHostname
        • ResolvedRefs/True/ResolvedRefs


Status: Partially supported.


  • spec
    • parentRefs - partially supported. port must always be set.
    • hostnames - supported.
    • matches
      • headers
        • type - supported, Exact and Regex.
        • name - supported.
        • value - supported.
      • method:
        • type - supported, Exact and Regex.
        • service - supported.
        • method - supported.
    • filters
      • type - supported.
      • requestHeaderModifier, responseHeaderModifier, requestMirror supported
      • extensionRef - not supported.
  • status
    • parents
      • parentRef - supported.
      • controllerName - supported.
      • conditions - partially supported. Supported (Condition/Status/Reason):
        • Accepted/True/Accepted
        • Accepted/False/NoMatchingListenerHostname
        • ResolvedRefs/True/ResolvedRefs


Status: Partially supported.


  • spec
    • parentRefs - partially supported. port must always be set.
    • backendRefs - supported.
  • status
    • parents
      • parentRef - supported.
      • controllerName - supported.
      • conditions - partially supported. Supported (Condition/Status/Reason):
        • Accepted/True/Accepted
        • ResolvedRefs/True/ResolvedRefs


Status: Partially supported.


  • spec
    • parentRefs - partially supported. port must always be set.
    • backendRefs - supported.
  • status
    • parents
      • parentRef - supported.
      • controllerName - supported.
      • conditions - partially supported. Supported (Condition/Status/Reason):
        • Accepted/True/Accepted
        • ResolvedRefs/True/ResolvedRefs


Status: Not supported.

Custom Policies

Status: Partially supported.

Custom policies will be FSM-specific CRDs that will allow supporting features like timeouts, load-balancing methods, authentication, etc. - important data-plane features that are not part of the Gateway API spec.

While those CRDs are not part of the Gateway API, the mechanism of attaching them to Gateway API resources is part of the Gateway API. See the Policy Attachment doc.

PolicyAttached to KindAttached AspectStatus
RateLimitPolicyGateway, HTTPRoute, GRPCRouteGateway: port
HTTPRoute: hostname, route
GRPCRoute: hostname, route
AccessControlPolicyGateway, HTTPRoute, GRPCRouteGateway: port
HTTPRoute: hostname, route
GRPCRoute: hostname, route
FaultInjectionPolicyHTTPRoute, GRPCRouteHTTPRoute: hostname, route
GRPCRoute: hostname, route
CircuitBreakingPolicyService, ServiceImportportDone.
HealthCheckPolicyService, ServiceImportportDone.
LoadBalancerPolicyService, ServiceImportportDone.
SessionStickyPolicyService, ServiceImportportDone.
RetryPolicyService, ServiceImportportDone.
UpstreamTLSPolicyService, ServiceImportportPartially done, only support service port level TLS config, expect to control at endpoint level

Listener Protocol and Supported Route Types

Listener ProtocolTLS ModeRoute Type Supported


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Last modified June 18, 2024: fix workflow issue (c83135d)