FSM Gateway

Kubernetes Gateway API implementation provided by FSM

The FSM Gateway serves as an implementation of the Kubernetes Gateway API, representing one of the various components within the FSM world.

Upon activation of the FSM Gateway, the FSM controller, assuming the position of gateway overseer, diligently monitors both Kubernetes native resources and Gateway API assets. Subsequently, it dynamically furnishes the pertinent configurations to Pipy, functioning as a proxy.

FSM Gateway Architecture

Should you have an interest in the FSM Gateway, the ensuing documentation might prove beneficial.


Enable FSM Gateway in cluster.

HTTP Routing

This document details configuring HTTP routing in FSM Gateway with the HTTPRoute resource, outlining the setup process, verification steps, and testing with different hostnames.

HTTP URL Rewrite

This document describes FSM Gateway’s URL rewriting feature, allowing modification of request URLs for backend service flexibility and efficient URL normalization.

HTTP Redirect

This document discusses FSM Gateway’s request redirection, covering host name, prefix path, and full path redirects, with examples of each method.

HTTP Request Header Manipulate

This document explains FSM Gateway’s feature to modify HTTP request headers with filter, including adding, setting, and removing headers, with examples.

HTTP Response Header Manipulate

This document covers the HTTP response header manipulation in FSM Gateway, explaining the use of filter for adding, setting, and removing headers, with practical examples and Kubernetes prerequisites.

TCP Routing

This document describes configuring TCP load balancing in FSM Gateway, focusing on traffic distribution based on network information.

TLS Termination

This document outlines setting up TLS termination in FSM Gateway.

TLS Passthrough

This document provides a guide for setting up TLS Passthrough in FSM Gateway, allowing encrypted traffic to be routed directly to backend servers. It includes prerequisites, steps for creating a Gateway and TCP Route for the feature, and demonstrates testing the setup.

gRPC Routing

This document describes setting up gRPC routing in FSM Gateway with GRPCRoute, focusing on directing traffic based on service and method.

UDP Routing

This document outlines setting up a UDPRoute in Kubernetes to route UDP traffic through an FSM Gateway, using Fortio server as a sample application.

Fault Injection

This document will introduce how to inject specific faults at the gateway level to test the behavior and stability of the system.

Access Control

This doc will demonstrate how to control the access to backend services with blakclist and whitelist.

Rate Limit

This document introduces the speed limiting function, including speed limiting based on ports, domain names, and routes.


Gateway retry feature enhances service reliability by resending failed requests, mitigating temporary issues, and improving user experience with strategic policies.

Session Sticky

Session sticky in gateways ensures user requests are directed to the same server, enhancing user experience and transaction integrity, typically implemented using cookies.

Health Check

Gateway health checks in Kubernetes ensure traffic is directed only to healthy services, enhancing system availability and resilience by isolating unhealthy endpoints in microservices.

Loadbalancing Algorithm

FSM Gateway offers various load balancing algorithms like Round Robin, Hashing, and Least Connection in Kubernetes, ensuring efficient traffic distribution and optimal resource utilization.

Upstream TLS

A network architecture using HTTP for client communication and HTTPS upstream, featuring SSL/TLS termination at the gateway and centralized certificate management for enhanced security.

Gateway mTLS

Enabling Mutual TLS at the gateway enhances security by requiring mutual authentication, making it ideal for secure environments and sensitive data handling.

Traffic Mirroring

Traffic mirroring in Kubernetes allows real-time data analysis without disrupting production traffic, enhancing diagnostics and security.


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Last modified June 18, 2024: fix workflow issue (c83135d)