Namespace addition

This section describes how and why FSM monitors Kubernetes namespaces


When setting up an FSM control plane (also referred to as a “mesh”), one can also enroll a set of Kubernetes namespaces to the mesh. Enrolling a namespace to FSM allows FSM to monitor the resources within that Namespace whether they be applications deployed in Pods, Services, or even traffic policies represented as SMI resources.

Only one mesh can monitor a namespace, so this is something to watch out for when there are multiple instances of FSM within the same Kubernetes cluster. When applying policies to applications, FSM will only assess resources in either monitored namespaces so it is important to enroll namespaces where your applications are deployed to the correct instance of FSM with the correct mesh name. Enrolling a namespace also optionally allows for metrics to be collected for resources in the given namespace and for Pods in the namespace to be automatically injected with sidecar proxy containers. These are all features that help FSM provide functionality for traffic management and observability. Scoping this functionality at the namespace level allows teams to organize which segments of their cluster should be part of which mesh.

Namespace monitoring, automatic sidecar injection, and metrics collection is controlled by adding certain labels and annotations to a Kubernetes namespace. This can be done manually or using the fsm CLI although using the fsm CLI is the recommended approach. The presence of the label<mesh-name> allows an FSM control plane with the given mesh-name to monitor all resources within that namespace. The annotation enables FSM to automatically inject sidecar proxy containers in all Pods created within that namespace. The metrics annotation allows FSM to collect metrics on resources within a Namespace.

See how to use the FSM CLI to manage namespace monitoring below.

Adding a Namespace to the FSM Control Plane

Add a namespace for monitoring and sidecar injection to the mesh with the following command:

fsm namespace add <namespace>

Explicitly disable sidecar injection while adding the namespace using --disable-sidecar-injection flag as shown here.

Remove a Namespace from the FSM control plane

Remove a namespace from being monitored by the mesh and disable sidecar injection with the following command:

fsm namespace remove <namespace>

This command will remove the FSM specific labels and annotations on the namespace thus removing it from the mesh.

Enable Metrics for a Namespace

fsm metrics enable --namespace <namespace>

Ignore a Namespace

There may be namespaces in a cluster that should never be part of a mesh. To explicity exclude a namespace from FSM:

fsm namespace ignore <namespace>

List Namespaces Part of a Mesh

To list namespaces within a specific mesh:

fsm namespace list --mesh-name=<mesh-name>

Troubleshooting Guide

Policy Issues

If you’re not seeing changes in SMI policies being applied to resources in a namespace, ensure the namespace is enrolled in the correct mesh:

fsm namespace list --mesh-name=<mesh-name>

<namespace>       fsm    enabled

If the namespace does not show up, check the labels on the namespace using kubectl:

kubectl get namespace <namespace> --show-labels

<namespace>   Active   36s<mesh-name>

If the label value is not the expected mesh-name, remove the namespace from the mesh and add it back using the correct mesh-name.

fsm namespace remove <namespace> --mesh-name=<current-mesh-name>
fsm namespace add <namespace> --mesh-name=<expected-mesh-name>

If the monitored-by label is not present, it was either not added to the mesh or there was an error when adding it to the mesh. Add the namespace to the mesh either with the fsm CLI or using kubectl:

fsm namespace add <namespace> --mesh-name=<mesh-name>
kubectl label namespace <namespace><mesh-name>

Issues with Automatic Sidecar Injection

If you’re not seeing your Pods being automatically injected with sidecar containers, ensure that sidecar injection is enabled:

fsm namespace list --mesh-name=<mesh-name>

<namespace>       fsm    enabled

If the namespace does not show up, check the annotations on the namespace using kubectl:

kubectl get namespace <namespace> -o=jsonpath='{.metadata.annotations.flomesh\.io\/sidecar-injection}'

If the output is anything other than enabled, either add namespace using the fsm CLI or add the annotation with kubectl:

fsm namespace add <namespace> --mesh-name=<mesh-name> --disable-sidecar-injection=false
kubectl annotate namespace <namespace> --overwrite

Issues with Metrics Collection

If you’re not seeing metrics for resources in a particular namespace, ensure metrics are enabled:

kubectl get namespace <namespace> -o=jsonpath='{.metadata.annotations.flomesh\.io\/metrics}'

If the output is anything other than enabled, enable the namespace usng the fsm CLI or add the annotation with kubectl:

fsm metrics enable --namespace <namespace>
kubectl annotate namespace <namespace> --overwrite

Other Issues

If you’re running into issues that have not been resolved with the debugging techniques above, please open a GitHub issue on the repository.


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Last modified June 18, 2024: fix workflow issue (c83135d)