Permissive Traffic Policy Mode

Set up application connectivity using service discovery without explicit SMI policies

This guide demonstrates a client and server application within the service mesh communicating using FSM’s permissive traffic policy mode, which configures application connectivity using service discovery without the need for explicit SMI traffic access policies.


  • Kubernetes cluster running Kubernetes v1.19.0 or greater.
  • Have FSM installed.
  • Have kubectl available to interact with the API server.
  • Have fsm CLI available for managing the service mesh.


The following demo shows an HTTP curl client making HTTP requests to the httpbin service using permissive traffic policy mode.

  1. Enable permissive mode if not enabled.

    export FSM_NAMESPACE=fsm-system # Replace fsm-system with the namespace where FSM is installed
    kubectl patch meshconfig fsm-mesh-config -n "$FSM_NAMESPACE" -p '{"spec":{"traffic":{"enablePermissiveTrafficPolicyMode":true}}}'  --type=merge
  2. Deploy the httpbin service into the httpbin namespace after enrolling its namespace to the mesh. The httpbin service runs on port 14001.

    # Create the httpbin namespace
    kubectl create namespace httpbin
    # Add the namespace to the mesh
    fsm namespace add httpbin
    # Deploy httpbin service in the httpbin namespace
    kubectl apply -f -n httpbin

    Confirm the httpbin service and pods are up and running.

    $ kubectl get svc -n httpbin
    NAME      TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)     AGE
    httpbin   ClusterIP   <none>        14001/TCP   20s
    $ kubectl get pods -n httpbin
    NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    httpbin-5b8b94b9-lt2vs   2/2     Running   0          20s
  3. Deploy the curl client into the curl namespace after enrolling its namespace to the mesh.

    # Create the curl namespace
    kubectl create namespace curl
    # Add the namespace to the mesh
    fsm namespace add curl
    # Deploy curl client in the curl namespace
    kubectl apply -f -n curl

    Confirm the curl client pod is up and running.

    $ kubectl get pods -n curl
    NAME                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    curl-54ccc6954c-9rlvp   2/2     Running   0          20s
  4. Confirm the curl client is able to access the httpbin service on port 14001.

    $ kubectl exec -n curl -ti "$(kubectl get pod -n curl -l app=curl -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')" -c curl -- curl -I http://httpbin.httpbin:14001
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    server: gunicorn/19.9.0
    date: Wed, 29 Jun 2022 08:50:33 GMT
    content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
    content-length: 9593
    access-control-allow-origin: *
    access-control-allow-credentials: true
    connection: keep-alive

    A 200 OK response indicates the HTTP request from the curl client to the httpbin service was successful.

  5. Confirm the HTTP requests fail when permissive traffic policy mode is disabled.

    kubectl patch meshconfig fsm-mesh-config -n "$FSM_NAMESPACE" -p '{"spec":{"traffic":{"enablePermissiveTrafficPolicyMode":false}}}'  --type=merge
    $ kubectl exec -n curl -ti "$(kubectl get pod -n curl -l app=curl -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')" -c curl -- curl -I http://httpbin.httpbin:14001
    curl: (52) Empty reply from server
    command terminated with exit code 52


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Last modified June 18, 2024: fix workflow issue (c83135d)